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생활습관의학을 위한 맞춤형 데일리루틴 개발 플랫폼(Personalized Daily Routine Development Platform for Lifestyle Medicine)

학습목표(Learning Objectives):

1. 생활습관의학에서 데일리루틴의 중요성을 이해한다(Understand the importance of daily routines in lifestyle medicine)

2. 맞춤형 데일리루틴 플랫폼이 갖추어야 할 요구사항들과 획득할 데이터에 대해 파악한다(Identify the requirements and data needed for a personalized daily routine platform)

3. 맞춤형 데일리루틴 플랫폼의 구성 요소와 활용 방법에 대해 이해한다(Comprehend the components and usage methods of a personalized daily routine platform)

4. 맞춤형 데일리루틴 플랫폼의 활용 사례를 실제 예시를 통해 알아본다(Explore real-life examples of how a personalized daily routine platform can be utilized)

- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Florida, USA, 1986-1990

-  M.S. in Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Seoul National University,  South Korea, 1982-1984 

- B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea, 1977-1981

CEO, ExerMine Inc

박승훈 박사(PhD)

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