- 현) ㈜ 7일 교수학습팀 팀장
- 대한생활습관의학회 개발이사
- 전) 원광대학교 연구교수
- 서울대학교 교수학습개발센터 연구원
- 원광대학교 한의과대학 박사
- 원광대학교 교육학과 박사수료
- Five Branches University 전통중의학 석사
- 서울대학교 교육학과 교육공학전공 석사
Dr. Jiseong Hong serves as the Team Leader of the Teaching & Learning Department at 7Days Inc., a company that operates an online platform for lifelong learning medical contents both in Korea and internationally. With a strong educational background, Dr. Hong's experience encompasses teaching and lifelong education, culminating in a doctorate in traditional Korean medicine. She pursued her studies in educational technology at Seoul National University, where he contributed to the Center for Teaching and Learning. Additionally, she holds a degree and licensure in Traditional Chinese medicine acquired in the United States. Upon her return to Korea, she has been deeply engaged in diverse projects within the realm of online medicine education. She is actively involved in research and initiatives aimed at enhancing the qualitative growth of medical education, with a particular focus on instructional design.
㈜ 7일 교수학습팀
홍지성 (PhD, DipIBLM/KCLM)