만성통증을 위한 생활습관의학(Lifestyle Medicine for Chronic Pain)
학습목표(Learning Objectives):
1. 만성통증의 유형과 원인 그리고 개인의 삶과 전반적인 웰빙에 미치는 통증의 영향을 고찰한다(Explore the types, causes, and effects of chronic pain on a person’s life and overall well-being.)
2. 생활습관의학의 개념 소개 및 만성통증 관리의 방법론을 설명한다.(Introduce the Concept of Lifestyle Medicine and Explain a Way to Manage Chronic Pain through Lifestyle Medicine.)
3. 만성 통증 환자가 자신의 생활습관을 개선하고 통증을 관리하는 데 어떤 전략을 사용할 수 있는지 이해한다.(Discuss Strategies for the Patients with Chronic Pain to Improve Their Lifestyle Habits and Manage Their Pains)
Dr. Hyeonjun Woo (KMD) has been working as a full-time professor in the Department of Korean Medicine at Semyung University since September 2023. He majored in Chuna manual medicine, a manual medicine of Korean medicine, and provides integrated medicine through cooperation between western and Korean medicine to patients with spine and joint diseases. As a lifestyle medicine specialist, we provide medical services by combining lifestyle correction with Korean medicine treatment to patients who need rehabilitation treatment. He recently began research to develop a clinical practice guideline of Korean medicine for myofascial pain syndrome and is focusing on Korean medicine research on pain medicine.
세명대학교 한의과대학
우현준 박사(KMD, PhD, DipIBLM/KCLM)